"BURN" is the story of Leon Walsh and his five grown siblings. For decades, their father has ruled the Midwest "80/35 territory" ( Interstate 80 and 35 connect in Des Moines, Iowa, which makes it a very important drug trafficking destination.) He has grown thousands of pounds of marijuana in northern California and shipped it nationally, using his family trucking company. But when the father suddenly dies, the oldest son, Leon, becomes the head of the family. With their father now gone, violent competitors wish to leverage themselves into position to overtake the ever-important "80/35", their growing plantation, and the trucking company. In addition, a dangerous drug Cartel see the fathers death as their opportunity to seize control and gain a larger foothold in the U.S. drug trade. Leon, now in charge, finds himself torn between securing his fathers legacy and providing the life for his family that they have grown accustom to, or selling the business to finally put this dangerous life of crime behind them once and for all. Unfortunately, everywhere he looks, there are reasons to stay in the game just a little bit longer. And now with the clock ticking, and Leon being no stranger to violence, he must decide if he will go to war or throw the family fortune away to stay alive.